Sunday, June 7, 2009

Blind School Prom

A blind School recently held a prom for their students, and i'm not being girly or what not, bas its beautiful, you know? Their isn't room for fakeness no over concern about how you look, it really is about what your personality is like.. i wonder how Kuwaiti Girls would deal with this.. haha.

question? would this be a prom apporved by the islamists here lool should we allow proms and blindfold the students, wala fashla.


  1. 7adhom yishawgoon!

  2. min wayn 6al3at hal article madree lol

  3. ishda3wa, its intereesting, and its nice and its kinda cute:S

  4. cops would find a reason to bust it guaranteed.

  5. lool true dat, were it in q8


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