Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Soug Al Hamam

"Before i start i would like to say that the photos i took were from a cell phone, and it was a very hard thing to do in this place, there are certain pictures that sensitive eyes should not look at so before you click this link, keep that in mind."

To view the pictures of My trip to Soug Al Hamam on Flickr Click [Here]

I went to Soug al Hamam on friday and i tried to take as many pics as i could before people would get uncomfortable. Some of the pics are not full because i tried to avoid faces and making it obvious becuse the sellers were worried i was an inspector. To those of you who have not been to Soug Al Hamam, It is a flea market for animals, and is called "The Market of Birds" because there are loads of birds for sale among other Miscellaneous items such as :





I even found people selling air rifles, Playstation 3s fur and what not. This place is sort of the black market in some ways because some of the stuff they sell is illegal such as he fireworks, however, they aren't any consequences for the buyer, according to My experince so far.

Hoever there are many other animals there too especially rabbits and dogs. The sad thing is the dogs are tied up and seem like they are just lost and depressed some seem to have been beaten soo much that they attempt to attack any person walking by but for the rope around its neck that chokes him and leaves you feeling sorry for him.

There were also dead birds on the ground and it seems a little too early to allow that kind of stuff as it hasn't been two years since the bird flu epidemic flew through Asia. The Conditions animals are in is nothing short of torture and I wonder when Kuwait will decided to organise the Soug and put some strict laws on how much space a cage should provided for animals inside, how the dogs should be handled and who is allowed to buy them. What was terrible was that a man came up to my in law and laughing about how his dog had bought a new dog "but he will only keep it two days then through it out on the street." I know there are several Animal rights croup or centers around kuwait, indicating that there are people who care, Inshallah kuwait will take the start implementing some organization in markes such as these and strict laws to help prevent the mistreatment of animals here.

The Pictures were taken by phone and people started becoming very weird so ill take more next time, but for now check out the ones i got [Here]

This place is next to the Friday Market which is The Flea Market to be at, where you find all the IT people at. Well thats not true, but it has lots of furniture and cloths, clothes, foot wear, Camping gear, electronics and much more. IF YOU ARE A FOREIGNER DO NOT GO WITHOUT AN ARABIC LOOKING AND SPEAKING MAN. OTHERWISE FACE PAYING 3X AS MUCH AS THE ORGINAL PRICE.

If you guys are interested in more pictures give me a heads up and i will take longer videos and more pictures Next time.

1 comment:

  1. LOOOL K5 .. Always something special ;)
    Good one my friend
    keep up the good work



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